NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Compulsory registration for All FCRA entities at NITI Aayog ‎

FCRA department has came out with a circular on 04th October 2017 to obtain "UNIQUE ID" for all NGOs / organisations registered with FCRA Department or wishing to apply Prior Permission / Registration  by registering to NITI Aayog portal "NGO-DARPAN". This ID must be quoted for all filings/ service requests made on FCRA portal. The requirement applies to all FCRA registered NGOs as well who have prior-permission or are applying for registration or prior-permission. Please visit for more details and registration.

This ID will become must to access FCRA online services. Therefore all FCRA registered entities must apply for the same at the earliest. Although currently no time limit given, however knowing FCRA department's working practices, it could become applicable anytime.


How to Register for DARPAN ID